Suspension Policy
Membership suspensions are available for:…
All Direct debit memberships can be placed on hold (as long as no fees are outstanding) or cancelled free of charge. Memberships can be suspended for a maximum of 2 months. Suspensions occur in 2 week blocks.
For how long
You can place your membership on hold for a minimum of 14 days per hold period and a maximum of 8 weeks (56 days) for a 12 month period. You can place your membership on hold for any number of days (minimum of 14 and up to 56 days)
How do you do it
To place your membership on hold simply email Matt BEFORE you go on holidays or have time off.
Email must be provided by 5pm the day prior to the hold period requested to allow banks time to suspend the payments.
A membership cannot to be back dated.
Club requirements
Once we’ve received your email, we will action the hold within one business day of receiving the hold request You will receive an email confirmation of your Membership Hold within 2 business days of receiving the request, detailing the date that the hold will automatically be removed
Please note:
If you have any outstanding fees they need to be paid before your membership is canceled/suspended.
First off we are sorry to see you go! Thanks for being a member with us!
How to cancel your membership
The best way to cancel your membership is to email Matt 24 hours BEFORE your next payment so the bank has time to cancel your next debit. All outstanding fees will need to be paid before canceling your membership. However if you have paid an ACT Judo registration fee this fee is not refundable.